The Munro Letters 1914 - 1917 : Letters Home from the Front - World War I
Date of Letter:
In which G. B. Chisholm writes from Flanders to Melville Munro stationed at Camp Borden. Included is news of mutual friends and family stationed at the front as well as inquiries about family and friends at home. Mention is also made of conditions of trench life.
August 5th 1916

Dear Pork,-

Got your letter from Camp Borden night before last and have just been reading in a Toronto Telegram of July 12th about the excitement up there. It sounds rather funny to us as we figure we could stand a lot of dust if there were no shells mixed with it.

Well Pork, congrats on the stripes and may you soon get more. I am still only a Lance Cpl., Lance Jack, or Boss Private, also known as a Section Batman.

Say Pork, who does Brem see in Barrie? I thought Cal was the one and only just now. I'm afraid Dorothy B. has it badly Pork. You've got her goat entirely. So Howard Jermyn is L.MS; pretty soft eh? Gosh it seems funny to address ma soeur as Mrs. J.A.W. Robinson. I suppose it will be a case of "and they lived happily ever after".

How are Art & Brem getting along? Art also has stripes up hasn't he and what prospects has Brem for another star? I got another letter from Bubbie in the same mail with yours. You know her brother Art was out here in the 13th Batt'n for about two weeks but was wounded and Gug saw him in the hospital in England. I don't know when I'll get to England, not very soon anyway. Gug is away back in France at a Grenade School so misses this trip in the trenches. I saw Monk Tuck the other day, he is not far away from here, Trench Mortar officer you know. My crew is in "close support" in a little shallow trench with no cover at all. By day we can't even stand up or we'll get shelled and we nearly roast alive and by night we are nearly eaten by mosquitoes - quite a cheerful place; however, we haven't had many casualties so we should worry. Am going to make some toast on a little gasoline stove now so Au revoir

Best to Art & Brem

Toujours votre ami


I haven't seen Jim for about three weeks. He is out of billets now.
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Gordon Munro Letters, Aug. 5, 1916Gordon Munro Letters, Aug. 5, 1916